Hallmark Mysteries & More

A Complete Review of Morning Show Mysteries: Countdown to Murder

April 04, 2024 Eric Rutin & Andrea Claassen Season 2 Episode 20
A Complete Review of Morning Show Mysteries: Countdown to Murder
Hallmark Mysteries & More
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Hallmark Mysteries & More
A Complete Review of Morning Show Mysteries: Countdown to Murder
Apr 04, 2024 Season 2 Episode 20
Eric Rutin & Andrea Claassen

The murder of a supermarket owner puts TV chef Billie Blessings and Detective Ian Jackson on the trail of a possible serial killer while they come to terms with their blossoming romance.

We tackled Morning Show Mysteries: Countdown to Murder in this week's epidode. This was a mystery on which they definitely did not agree. While we both agreed that Holly Robinson Peete is a traffic actor and he supporting cast is fun, The story and mystery are another thing. 

Finally, we wrap up with the finale of season two, The Way Home. In this segment, there was very little we agreed on. 

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This podcast was created by fans for fans and is NOT affiliated with or sponsored by Hallmark or the Hallmark Channel.

Show Notes Transcript

The murder of a supermarket owner puts TV chef Billie Blessings and Detective Ian Jackson on the trail of a possible serial killer while they come to terms with their blossoming romance.

We tackled Morning Show Mysteries: Countdown to Murder in this week's epidode. This was a mystery on which they definitely did not agree. While we both agreed that Holly Robinson Peete is a traffic actor and he supporting cast is fun, The story and mystery are another thing. 

Finally, we wrap up with the finale of season two, The Way Home. In this segment, there was very little we agreed on. 

Follow us on social media:
Instagram: @hallmarkmysteriesandmore

Or visit our website.

This podcast was created by fans for fans and is NOT affiliated with or sponsored by Hallmark or the Hallmark Channel.

by Andrea. Why did the tomato blush? I don't know. Because he saw the salad dressing. Did we not watch the same movie? Clearly not. This is the line from the little pun in the in the kitchen. And this is Andrea. II missed it. Oh, I'm nervous that we watched two different movies. Oh boy. Well, this is Eric. and this is hopefully Hallmark mysteries and more. This podcast was created by fans. And its affiliated with or sponsored by Hallmark, the Hallmark. Well, the movie I watched was the morning show mysteries countdown to murder. Okay, right the grocery store. Wow. Okay, okay. All right. Did you miss the puns? Okay. Ah, well, you like the puns? I do like a good pun. Apparently. It wasn't good enough for me. Well, here's the recap of the movie. The murder of a supermarket owner puts TV chef Billy blessings and Detective Ayan Jackson, or is it Ian? Maybe it's Ian. Yeah. And Jackson on the trail of a possible serial killer. Well, they come to terms with their blossoming romance. Alright, Eric, what did you think of this one? I gave it a 2.5. What? Wait, I got you hi high. Are you shocked that I went that high that I gave it just average washable? What? Okay, speak on. Okay, as I said I was about to before we started recording, I was gonna ask you a question I said I'd wait to ask. I'm just curious why you chose this particular episode because I don't think I've seen them on order. But I this was not the strongest of the morning show mysteries for me. So I I find the whole grocery store theme kind of boring. Like, why do that setting I'd never was invested in as like looking at this little grocery store that they had going on. There's no way that they've just got$100,000 floating around or people are getting rich off this thing. This is more like the little business where people barely know the whole family has to work there just so they can actually not go further in debt every month. So I just No, no. So I just curious. So why did we Why did you choose this one? Well, my rating is four out of five. This one is probably one of my favorite morning show mysteries. One. I love the duck theme, the duck song. So I feel like the duck song is catchy. I'll give you that. That's honestly why I chose this one because I remembered this one. I don't remember. I don't know if I can remember any of the other ones. But this one because of that duck song. The quack quack quack. This little ducky goes back. And, you know, I loved it. So that's why I remembered it. I also enjoyed the supporting cast of the morning show mysteries as a whole. But I do think you know, like Maurice in the kitchen. The chef, we didn't see enough of him. So that was the pawns. I know. That's where I was like, okay, the person one of my favorites. I was like, I missed his pun. And that was really his only scene in this movie. So that's kind of a sad, a sad face for me. Not having enough, Maurice and then I like Cassandra as well as a supporting cast. But yeah, I really I liked this one. memorable because it's the duck. Okay, I will give you the duck song was catchy. And I did find myself not watching it being like little duck go. Quack quack. Yeah. So it was, it was catchy. Now, let me just quickly say what is death by design? I think that's the best of the morning show mysteries. What's the one with where they're the twins and the one twin kills the other twin? And? Yeah, that's Oh, that was the movie after this. Yeah. Yeah. So I thought or actually there wasn't that the twin didn't kill the twin. That's kind of what you thought was going on and said that was the red herring. No, but I really don't remember that one. So it wasn't said in a grocery store. Which you know, I can go down to my Safeway and walk around and be as excited as I was for this one. I'll say I thought it was a cute grocery store at least. Sure How, okay, I'll go to Whole Foods. Those that are so are traded just Hi Robinson Peto. She is. She's elite that she is. She's good. She makes it well, she's not hard on the eyes. Rick Fox he could probably be paired it with Candace camera I gray with their acting skills, I think. And we would be treated to like, a wonderful hour and 24 minutes of watching paint dry. So he has the strongest of talent on Hallmark, I would say. Um, I don't I mean, he obviously is not in the last one of this column. Lawrence replaced him. Which I think is a good agreement. I love I love college Lawrence. So that's why I'm hoping that they will maybe have another one of these with Colin Lawrence. I feel like you need again, this is you need the three. He's a completely new lead. Same as the Hannah Swensen one bringing Victor on. We have to get used to that character. And he's not I mean, Colin didn't come on to replace Rick Fox. It is a new character. So I don't mind Rick Fox. But again, as I'm sitting here wearing my Minnesota Timberwolves sweatshirt, I'm a big basketball fan. So I can look past some of the bad acting because I remember him, you know, growing up and watching him play for the Lakers. I was at courtside at one of the games I'm pretty sure I got a high five from him after the game. Randomly we stumbled upon good tickets. Was he really physically stiff when he did that too, like he does with his acting. Ah, Mr. Robot man give you high five. Now he did do an intro and outro I don't know if he really acts very much anymore. But he did an intro and outro for the Lakers dynasty show on HBO max. And that was more of a casual conversation like we're having and I feel like he shined a little bit better. There wasn't quite as stiff and it was just more natural. So I feel like maybe he's better at just an interview style verse actually acting in a movie. So I will give you that as well. So I know that is a detriment to people who do not enjoy the movies. He has a big reason why I will surprise you in a minute when we get to the next section, though. And the three minute know that for the for the I think we're already in the mystery. Well, I would say getting into the mystery minute though. I did not know the killer, obviously. And I thought it was a great twist. That's why it got to the 2.5 for me. Oh yeah. Because not much else other than HOLLY ROBINSON PEETE being spectacular. And I do like Cassandra, I think the supporting characters actually, in the whole show are quite entertaining. So I'll give you a give you all that, like the whole News staff are just such horrible people that they're fun. Right? And your favorite actor is over there. Not a murderer in this one. Well, he does murder in a different way with but that the killer was a surprise because it was that was a really big twist that I totally did not see coming. So like I said that, that was that was pretty good. My mystery minute. Probably one of the things I think we've talked about before, but some of these older mysteries go into really long monologues to get us the audience caught up in what's going on. So we have a lot of long monologues. Who are these people at the grocery store? We've never really met them in other movies. And so we have to get their whole backstory, why would this be happening? You know, why is Liz's business partner to the person who was killed? And then I feel like the newer mysteries have done a much better job of condensing that. And if you look at any of like the hour long, you know, weekly mystery shows, they saw the mystery in a very short time. And we don't need that long backstory, because if they did, it would take up half, you know, half an hour, so people wouldn't watch. And so I feel like the I feel like they've taken a page from kind of those, you know, mysteries and said, We have to condense this, this is too long. We're going on and on. And we're losing people because we're not invested in these characters who are just there for a movie, and then they're gone. And then the next movie, we have a long monologue from other people about this mystery. Yeah, that's actually exactly right. Because uncle Don, like we get it who he is. But they kept going on and on and adding more and more to his story. And I'm sure it was to try to create a red herring with him. But it's never that character, because it's too, right there. Right. And he's all of a sudden pulled in too quickly. So you know, it's not him. So you're right. You can chop out a lot of that and just get us a little bit excited about who it is like, oh, it could be him because as soon as he showed up, I'm like, Oh, he looks shady. Right because he's too nice. But now he turned out to be yes. Just a very nice guy who likes doing tons and chopping carrots. Well, what about the romance? What did you think of? One thing? I'm gonna go back to that? The thing I did like about morning show, though, is there is a better I think relationship between the Snoop and the place where they even acknowledge like, oh, yeah, like I understand she gets in the way, but she is really helpful with what she does. And then there's when the sun shows up. I forget his name is not J. But maybe it's J shows up and she's like, he's trying to talk her into it. He's like, No, you need to go to the place. So the one thing I do like about it is, yeah, she's Snoopy, she's, you know, in a grocery store at the end going through, you know, the big climax scene basically breaking and entering, which we, you know, Bagon Hannah about. But I think overall, in general, that they have a normal healthy relationship of, yeah, I'm going to be a snoop. But at the same time, I'm going to defer to the place and the place. Like, yeah, you're a snoop. But you did get around to Warren for us. So we appreciate that, or, you know, those that aspects, I think that is a strength of this show. And the other thing I will say, that just made no sense to me. And this one is Phil. Like they're attacking Phil, he's one of the guys who gets the duck because he did this thing. Like how does anybody know when to drop a light in the middle of the lobby or blow up his editing studio? Like, I find that just a weird thing? I just really made no sense because did admin sneak into a that studio or something which you could not do? I don't know if you ever been to a TV studio, but they are fortresses to get into it with security. So there's no one's sneaking in to do those sort of thing. So I just find that crazy. And then Phil, who's the crime investigator isn't investigating that he's hiding out? And it's, you know, I'm hiding everywhere versus out there trying to solve this. Like, that's kind of stuff that no, I mean, that's so that's why I thought some things you know, it had that potential. Then I had this thick, just plain silliness that just made absolutely no sense even in our hallmark universe. That just drew it down to me. But like the characters, just how actually horrible they were. Especially our friend there. Who would what's his name that Luke the main announcer brought whatever Oh, it's But Sherry and real life. But yeah, but he like this the way he's like, Oh, I'm gonna get you on the news. I don't care. I'm just merging threw away. You This is scintillating. Perfect. Let's go on. See ability. We're, we're going for the ratings here. And then when it turns out, he wasn't getting target. He's like, Yeah, sounds awesome. You're getting targeted? Not me. So I thought that was really fun. Okay, so getting into the romance. As I said, while I think that brick box is quite cardboard ad, I do think that they do a good job of actually creating chemistry between the two of them. I was surprised that he is who he is, right? So you're only going to get so much emotional depth out of him. And maybe it's just the skill of HOLLY ROBINSON PEETE, but I actually bounder chemistry between the two of them, which kind of shocked me. That's interesting. I actually said, I didn't really feel a ton of chemistry was more friend vibe. I felt like well, yeah, but you can dance with a friend. I mean, I just didn't feel like some of them. You're like, oh, yeah, the way that they're looking at each other. And it's probably again, I mean, he's not an actor, like he's an athlete. And so some of its, the actor can just look at people like I was just saying with Geils in the last one with the Paris fashion, like the way he can look at any female, you're like, Whoa, and make people melt. Rick Fox does not have that ability. Maybe he thinks he does, but he does not. And so he you can't rely on just that with him like you need a little more. And I do think what you'd said about the depth like, he just doesn't have that because that's not again, he was an athlete. That's not what he was trained to do. I don't think he was a trained actor, along with growing up as an athlete, but you know, maybe I'm wrong. He is He is missing that and I feel like you can only go so far with one person, you know, trying to be like, hey, You know, I really liked you and the other person is like, I like you too. You know, right. Like I say, I agree with you 100%. But that is his character is once again, he's a rigid cardboard person. So that's kind of how he was. And then yes, you're right. He's like, smile. Is not a gnat. Whenever he smiles, it just is not a no, like, you can tell he's acting smiling. But you know, and this is big judging for me, because I will say I am probably 10 times worse than him if I was ever on camera. But it was like, I just still felt the relationship had cuteness to it. Despite his the, the flaw of his of his acting. So that's how I got so I agree with you, but I disagree with him. Well, what about character corner? Who was your favorite? I'll say admin, he was a fantastic bad guy down to a creepy, psychotic haircut. Like, you just look at him. And you're like, This guy would kill his child. Like, he just had creepiness all over it. So I thought he was fantastic at the end when he's sort of chasing her around. But he's doing like sort of the walk Chase reminded me a little Terminator to kinda come in through. So I thought admin was a absolutely fantastic evil guy and the backs and other there was a good backstory with him about how his dad basically liked the other guy better than his own son. Right. So he had a lot of like, emotional baggage. And I think it just came really through as his evilness. So I thought he was a great bad guy. I really enjoyed Cassandra. She for me is a I mean, when we were doing our sidekicks, I'm like, I totally forgot about Cassandra, she might have made my list, because I do think she does have that great comedic presence. She always has something to say and helps Billy like, I feel like she's kind of that like, hey, is this actually a smart decision? And it's kind of weighing that to her because Billy is just like a hey, I'm gonna throw caution to the wind, and I'm going for it. And then because I'm just kind of the one being like, we should probably get out of here. This seems a little sketchy. Like we need to leave. And so I really enjoy that that element or other Yod. Yes, yeah. Okay, great. We'll go now go. All right. That was a great year. Right. That's a great shame. So for her, I think that, you know, in all of the movies, I think she does have a great supporting, cast mate there and a great sidekick in Cassandra. So she might have made my list if I would have remembered this movie. I agree. I think she she is great. I also another one that stood out was when she was talking to Billy about the ex wife being the bad guy, how she's such a horrible employer. She doesn't give her house cleaner or maid, whoever it is Christmas off or bonuses or things like that. And she's like, Billy, why didn't you tell me that? Because I did what I should have done. I told her to go to the police. So right, that whole voice of reason is a perfect balance to our snoop. So I'll give you that with Cassandra and not argue that one, the hoax. I think the whole side characters are all great, basically in the series, for sure. Well, what about trivia? Yeah, and a trivia for us? Well, we kind of alluded to it about Rick Fox and being an NBA player. And his NBA playing was a little bit better than his acting, which still was not good. He averaged under 10 points a season. So he was not a great player you. But he played for a little while. So we'll give him that. But he was on Dancing with the Stars. And despite his robotic pneus of his whole movements, because I found him very stiff, just physically. He made it all the way through the seventh week, which now it could have been all the basketball fans just voting and keeping them going. But just if you look at it, the I went through the week by week voting for that season. And he was sometimes up in the top three, so he actually seem to be able to dance and which is a shame because they did go to dancing class, and he should have showed those moves off a little bit more. But he did not. And then how I robbed them Pete. Her dad was one of the main guys of Sesame Street and when she was little, she was on Sesame Street too. So I don't know if I knew that but as little as a little kid she was ancestrally Street was fun. Well My trivia, I think maybe if you haven't watched this So Al Roker actually wrote this book series on the morning show murder. So I was just looking it up and so he has got three out and there's one that's coming out in 2024. So maybe we'll have the new morning show mystery with Colin and HOLLY ROBINSON PEETE in the future. That'd be fun. Wait, wait, so there's only three bucks. Yeah, there's because there's six movies. Right? So they totally win. Okay, interesting. I assume there's one for every book. So maybe this one. So Al wasn't in this one. He usually is in the ones I only get the ones that he wrote. He's like, Why the hell am I going to be in this grocery store? What the hell grocery store? were you guys thinking? I would I don't want my name and he still produced it. But that's funny. Yeah, he wasn't in this one. I don't. Did you ever see him? I did not see him. Yeah, usually he does a little cameo in some of the other ones. So you have to kind of be on the lookout for Al Roker and some of them so when you when you let us watch one of the good ones. I thought this one well, we should watch the Colin one sometime and see the difference between Rick and Colin and if we like that pairing better, why don't we do we'll do the death by design and the Colin and we can do a comparison contrast between a Colin and a Rick Fox of which happened to be close. But like I don't remember the Colin movie, per se. I just remember thinking he is to your point. Rick Fox is an NBA player who, hey, I'm going to act you know, he didn't go to Juilliard. He didn't do all those things. So well, you know, whatever. Whereas Colin is definitely an actor. I mean, the guy's got skills so because he's in a bunch of bunch of things and he's fantastic so so that's what we'll do not next week but down the road. Do a comparison contrast between should be good because that will be in the order columns character is I don't know either, but this one was movie number four and then that by design is number five and then columns A six so we kind of get the tail end of Billy blessings movies. So that's kind of fun, too. He's Terrell does. Well, what about recommendations Hallmark and chill? What movies would you recommend? You know, or shows? I will say that if you're wanting sort of the TV, the mystery, go for Ruby herring, which is way better. That's a good one. I I am Ruby Herring is actually kind of polarizing because I think some people like it. And other people hate it. I don't think there's a lot of people who are like Ruby herrings just whatever. It's Steven who's our or however you pronounce his last name at his absolute best. He is, by far his best role. And he's fantastic in it. Yeah, it's just I think if you want that whole movie or not Movie News Theme, go with that one. Much better, much better. Series. Well, you know, my Murder She Wrote, here we go. I found one that it reminded me of season three, episode nine, the obituary of a dead anchor. When an obnoxious out of town TV anchor shows up murdered, it's up to Jessica to figure out the case. So this is one where an anchor actually goes on a boat faked his own death. No one. Yes. So Murder She Wrote has an episode for all of these movies. It's kind of like The Simpsons how the Simpsons predicts the future. Murder She Wrote is literally every mystery out there. Okay. I mean, the writers must know. I mean, this is they have 12 seats. She's got all sorts of things that you can pull from. And so he actually ends up though when he comes off the boat and he's alive. He does end up getting murdered for real. So yeah, so that was kind of that episode. I enjoyed it because it's set in Cabot Cove, so highly recommend that one if you want to watch a little Murder She Wrote that is similar to the morning show mystery in particular, the mystery. We watched countdown to murder. All right, what about fan corner? Have you heard anything? Because I did a poll. Yeah, I hear nothing on this one. Okay, so and that's why I thought we should do one because I don't hear much either. And then I was like, You know what, let me pull and see an Instagram. What do people think so here are the results from voting to skew it. By the way, I voted on my actual account my I usually vote but I didn't want to, I didn't want to skew it. Well 6% love it and it's one of their top five favorites. 33% It's a solid mystery series and I want more. The biggest 130 9% It's not my cup of tea. And then 22% One of the more underrated mysteries which Here's what I voted on my seasonal Andrea Instagram. Well, if you added all of those up, you would have more people who, you know, it's a decent movie in general, it's a decent movie, but actually closer than you would expect for people who just not a big fan of this one, so I thought that was interesting that people aren't really loving the morning show mystery. I bet you if they got more with Colin, you think it would probably increase? Because I bet you a lot of people because you know it is mysteries but they still like their romance in there they and like I said, it's it's clunky with him. So I bet you give give another one or two with Colin and that number increases. It still probably won't, you know, won't be maybe a favorite. But I bet you it's it's it increases or at least even the not my cup of tea drops where they fall whether the two or four. I don't know, but I bet you it improves. Well, what are we previewing next. Finally, and Swinson one bad apple. So excited. We get some Victor. Now, I'm guessing that is what you're most excited about is getting to see Victor in this more so then Hannah's next adventure 100%. I again from watching the previews. And I think that the whole cast looks excited to be there again. And Dolores looks like they're really pushing her to be kind of the Sleuth herself and trying to solve mysteries, which she originally did not start out that way. So I love how, you know, seeing her character kind of evolve as the series goes on. I think that's wonderful for them to pull on her comedic timing. So I can't wait to see all of that. What about you? I agree. Victor. Mean, Victor, Victor, right. So that's just awesome. But like you just said, I think one of the great things that's happened since the Hannah Swenson has split from the Murder She Wrote or murder she baked excuse me, is exe got it on my head is that they lean way more into Dolores than they used to and Dolores is she was on both are left for the sidekicks. I mean, Barbara Niven is just haven't sat she is fantastic. And like you say that comedic timing. She is so good. That she I think last time she out Sean. Hannah thought Dolores was the character in that and so I'm very excited. And then you know, when we it talked to Alison Sweeney she was even saying she wrote this one that she just visions Barbara Niven more in these things. I think they're going to lean way more into her. So between that plus we get Andrea back and we get Norman back. So essentially the whole Cassatt everyone's always complained like, oh, where's Andrea? Where's Norman? Everybody's back for this one minus one character and I'll say I I don't hate. You know, Mike. I don't whatever. But I think Victor is an upgrade. You know, it's not like it's not like going from Rick Fox to is Colin Ferguson. Right. Is that his last name? Colin would calm Lawrence. It's not like going you know that drastic? Because, you know, camera mathsson can act and everything like that. But Victor is Victor. I mean, I mean, his role as a cop is like perfection in your, you know, you're talking to earlier about how a guy can just like look and generate chemistry. Yes, that that's vector right. Like, ever since I'll go back to my original days of Hallmark seeing zing him pop out of that pool in summer villa. I'm just like, oh, this is the man. Hey, now I think I think Christopher PA is the best most talented actor and Hallmark but I think Victor and probably all the high knees will get all over me. But I think Victor is like the sexiest actor on Hallmark right I mean for him on there. He's my favorite like he's actually my absolute top Hallmark guy is Victor Webster and he has been since I watched Hallmark Dylan Neil is probably my second like those are my two top guys I love what you're doing is a whole different kind of Oh for sure thing right? Yeah. So I enjoy both of them. I like those are my two top guys like Tyler Hines for me. He's fine, but he's I'm Same I don't need a mystery with Tyler. I prefer him maybe in the rom com movies. But yeah, he I, I can take take relief Tyler and I'm probably going to get hatred. Yeah. But that's my that's my Tyler stance. I do love Christopher blah as well. He's probably up there for me as one of my top five, you know males on Hallmark So, and Andrew Walker I really enjoy Andrew Walker as well. I probably would prefer him over Tyler. Pitting those two against each other. Well, we may we may not find out if ever that's the case. We'll see where Walmart goes with mysteries. But yeah, I agree. So very excited. For that one. We got new movies that are coming out to in May. And I know you wanted to kind of chat about that. So do you have I don't have the synopsis for this one. Yep. So we have coming up later. The next week. We have one bad apple, Hannah Swensen then at the end of April. We have the next curious cater. But they just announced in May that family practice mysteries coming home. And that is a former army surgeon moves back to her home hometown and joins a practice of family doctors. But when she's drawn into the mysterious death of a patient, her quiet life becomes up ended with Amanda shul and Brendan Penny. So what's your initial take your initial enthusiasm on this one. Love the two leads Amanda Shoal is probably one of my top five for this. She I think she's in like, three love her. Love her brand and Penny I also really enjoy the one thing I'm like, Oh, it depends how much military heavy we get into this one, I guess. Hopefully. It's not like super military heavy. I'm not I always Those aren't my favorite for homework. But I I am excited. I need more from the description. As soon as I see a preview. I feel like you'll kind of get a feel for for where we're going here. So yeah, I'm excited. I am. I'm not, not like oh my gosh, yes. I can't wait to see this one. It's like a hey, I'm excited. I'm gonna give it a go. And we'll see. We'll see what the previous looks like. I'm torn. And it could just be the description. No, you're right. Once we start getting more information, it could get pulled more in the description did not do much for me. So I'm like, just seems kind of like kind of we're just talking about the grocery store. And I know bringing it into the family doctor and then someone dying. Okay, it it has potential but I'm cautiously optimistic. I will say we did a poll and ask people and overwhelmingly people are excited for this 184 I voted percent that did you an IRA account? So really, actually yes about 50% But you voted in like seven different accounts do drive that so my two accounts I did vote from my personal and from the home. So of the three that are coming out now that we know which we have two wheels in a brand new so we have one bad apple Hannah Swensen we have I forget what the name of the curious cater where they do the Renaissance dinner. And then now we had this new family practice of those three, actually just rank rank the three from interesting. Who's the most excited to the least? Hannah Swanson. Then this new one the family mystery. And then curious cater at the bottom only because we're going back in time, which I feel like we've time it's no but we've had so much of that in February with Jane Austen. So I'm a little worried that it's we've just been there so much this year, that I'm gonna be bored with it. Mine is the actual chronological order it's Hannah Swensen just because I got to see Victor and gotta see Dolores then it's curious cater because I think it's going to be a fun premise. What's the the gourmet detective I love that the day we brew or whatever rue the day or whatever it is. That one yeah, really cute one kind of a similar type thing? Well, I guess it's not really because only Henry and yeah was the same as not many. Maggie Josh Hart, but still is cute. And then you know, so I think there and then Marla who is my favorite sidekick? I think she steps up in this one a little bit more in her love interest guy is Got him in the picture that they there so bad guy bad yeah that bad boy detective. I think that character and relationships start getting built out So certainly this yacht well I like that I mean I liked him okay I don't know many legs I thought he was like a fun character noted and your legs the bad boy and then the family practice like I say I just I need more for me to get that excitement I may get there. And the funny thing is Amanda Show I have nothing against her. I just the same time kinda like I haven't seen too much of her to have too much of an opinion. And Brendan penny for me is one of those who is either I really like him or just sleeping through folding laundry through his movies, right. But appetite for love. I think that's the one with him and Aaron in there where they're competing against each other in the cooking show. Like that's one of my favorite cooking show ones and I love that movie. So Did you are you at Chesapeake shores? I did watch all Chesapeake shores. Am I a fan? Take I could take it or leave it. Like the last season was great. The first seasons I think were great. It died off a little bit in the middle for me. But yeah, the last season I was like, Oh, this is leaving me wanting more Chesapeake shores when they knew it was the last season. I love all the characters. I love the premise. Again, all the actors on there I find to be some of my favorites. So yeah, well let's talk about a series maybe that's not quite as good as Oh, ours and actually it's way better. So pop into the pop into the pond. Oh, by the way home episode 10. It's our season finale for season two Bring me to life Dell cat and Alice each have questions answered as new mysteries arise. So Eric, I don't know what you thought of this. You know what I thought of this last episode. So what did you enjoy? I felt like I was on Oprah. Time travel for you. Time travel for you. Time travel for you time travel for everybody. Everybody gets to time travel. So that means you liked it? Not necessarily. No. I know, I will say in my opinion, season two ended, kind of the way it started with I think else is the sole redeeming character with a nod for Best Supporting going to Thunder. Like those two are the two that's the horse. I was just gonna say I'm sitting here like the horse that is your nod. that's those are the two characters that I think consistently. I enjoyed it. I thought they were good and net and, and I was not just like, you could just die off and I would, you know, drown in the pond and I would not be overly upset. So like, even the season, the season, sadly took me from where I was totally all into Dell thought she was great. And slowly deteriorated her character in my opinion. So I'm, I'm excited. We don't have to talk about it for probably a year, or at least several months. So that's one of the bright spots of of this episode for me. But I will get that why a lot happened. So I'll give you that a lot of exciting things. So you can go ahead with what was so good before I shoot holes. And you do not have a bulletproof vest on so before I shoot holes into all of your thought this was good. And then I'll counter with Yeah, but okay, well, here's my list. What did I like? I thought the entire episode was amazing. There were so many threads that I thought they tied together. I cried or like near tears like three different times. I thought there was so many new doors that were opened and set us up for this. I cried three times too, but probably for different reasons. Oh my gosh. Ah, gosh. No, you always told me you're like you didn't cry at that. at Hallmark movies. You're a monster. So now I'm like You didn't cry that new monster. I love like leaving us like is Thomas still alive? Yes. It seems like he is where is he? Did he time travel? I'm like, is he Sam? But then that's kind of weird with Dell because he likes you know the coins. He kind of was like looked like he recognized them. And so I'm like, oh, that's kind of weird, though that he wouldn't. Weird, but at least I mean, that's where I went. I'm like Sam is kind of a player. So I know Oh, who knows? Like where? Who is the SAM clearly he knew something about the coins based on that look he gave like of? I don't know. So now I'm intrigued about his backstory. Coil. I also thought that too, because I was like, Oh, this is interesting. And then is that Alice's daughter? It seems to be, you know, with the necklace with the ring. And you know, we're just kind of left like, Okay, how does Dell react? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You're thinking that the intern is actually else's daughter time traveling back and that's why she just Oh, you just changed potentially my whole opinion. See that? I missed the whole season. I did share it with you. But yeah, like since that first episode, that would be absolutely fantastic. Yeah, I mean, you saw get rid of all the characters and just focus on that. I'm in I'll be in if that season three, get rid of everyone else and keep them it seems like it could be and then like is the father and I don't remember his name the one that they were singing the Backstreet Boys to I think that could be Alice's like husband and like that's her parents and she's coming back to kind of witness them falling in love just like Alice did for cat and Brady when they were young. So that's what because she had said hey, I'm here with my dad and then he was sitting there talking to Allah Okay, so I was like, this is interesting. That happens when you're actually getting invested in the show and you can like maybe nine no crying or watching cat and Elliot just be unbelievably annoying. Yeah, there's lots of different things going on. Okay, I like this now and then del reacting to Jacob being live I really am kind of looking forward. That is going to be an interesting thing like what does she say to cat like because obviously cat has been knowing about this for the last year potentially is going to be another thing to create this between you hoping they don't I'm hoping they don't go that way. They totally well, because cat is just a walking nightmare of you. But I thought they did a really good job of kind of softening her again this the last two episodes. They've done a good job of that, I think. And if they do though, create drama between those two having you know, Jacob, come back. I hope they don't I really hope that that is smoothed over because we don't. I feel like that's played out for two seasons. We don't need to keep going to that. Well, we could do something else. What was the highlight of my last episode? Alice is always your highlight. Right? Know that Jacob didn't come back. Oh, yeah. That's right. You were hoping this didn't happen? Yes, I this I hate the fact that he did. I hate the fact that he did, because this is going to create stupid, silly, unnecessary drama. You just made an absolutely fantastic show with Alice. Like I said, all in the Jacobs stuff. I am so over and it's just going to be little high school. That's the thing, like cat is high school drama, whereas ours is actually interesting bot bowl, even though she is the teenager. So I also am intrigued about coltan that that to me is I I don't know. You had to see that coming from Episode Two. Yeah, I mean, when when they showed him the back of his head, yes. But I'm also I'm intrigued, but I'm concerned. Like, I enjoyed the scene of his grandma and him at the pond and saying it's not your time yet. I'm assuming he's still dead. Like he can't come back alive. Right? Like that's not possible. Well as future. See, and that's where it gets a little tricky. And like the time travel rules, I'm not. I don't know how they're going to kind of pull some of that together. But I'm intrigued as I go ahead, and I tear apart all your things when I like grandmother. That's like, the patriarch. Like why does the little Jake get told us by grandmother versus Why does cat not get shown that? Why does the grandmother favor? That was good? No, she said that. That was cool. Are you sure? Yeah. I watched it. I watched this episode twice. She said cool. Challenging. I thought, Jacob No, I'm pretty sure that that was Colton as a kid, and so they didn't say it. Yeah. So they didn't tell them obviously. I'm surprised Colton didn't have a conversation with his kids if this could happen, and he knew it could happen. So he doesn't know what happens because he travels in the future. But then that's amusing to me. How did that so if I'm as I'm pulling this like so if Colton obviously was aware of the pawns, but But then if you think about this, if Colton knew the pond, why didn't he want Jacob and then why didn't quote and try to time traveled to find Jacob because that could always have been a possibility of where was Jacob? And he knows that he has a time traveling pond. Why didn't he go and look himself or tell Dell? Hey, we have this pond, we can time travel, he could be lost in another dimension era who knows where he is because perfect Colton is going to turn out to be a evil bad guy who plots horrible things. And that's why because you're right. He could have been back looking for that. Or he would have known where Jake, I guess the pond only takes you where you need to go. So maybe that's your answer. Right. So the whole thing like he was distraught and like drinking heavily, like that's what they showed us in season one that that's where he was going. That seems weird. So I guess that's what I didn't like now that I just threw that out there. I also I feel like okay, it's like they just threw it in halfway through like, oh, let's do this. Because you're right. The power the watch. Doesn't really flow. Because then the same would have known where Jake what? Well, yeah. Yeah. The same with graduation. I thought they graduated in 2002. I, I thought they said that. Maybe not. And then I guess they graduated in 2000. So that puts timelines a little different. Maybe again, that could have been my bad because it's been how many episodes but that does shift things. Any standout scenes for you? Um, why would cat think Victor would give Dell that letter? Why? The important letter with the ticket? Why would she not just go to the damn house? Put it on the countertop? And wait. Like, this makes? Absolutely No Sense. Let's go to the guy who hates my family. Who is what did she know that? I don't ask. You did the big scene at the she wasn't there. She was time travel everybody but everybody knows that Victor's the terrible guy doesn't seem to and she seems kind of self involved. So I don't know she was. So I'm saying I'm like I don't think she elation revelation. I just whatever. I find that so stupid. That it just like, never, never would happen. Never happened. And okay, hey, I'm Elliott. I'm leaving town. I know my dad is in a hall. Oh, I'll just let him still do it rather than on my way out of town, swing by the house and drop it off. So but once again, Elliot, everyone probably just loves and thinks he's great. I just think he's one step removed from the self absorbed pneus and everything that cat has, so I don't like either of them. I just give me Alison now. Her daughter. I am seriously. So intrigued. You got me totally on that now you're gonna make me watch the third season. Well, one of the ring the ring, I guess. That's what I didn't know. There's the ring have symbolism from another episode that I've Yeah, that's cat and Brady's engagement ring. And they cat gave it to Alice. And so Alice had it on on a string. I think she had the same necklace. So yeah, that's what she was looking at that picture and. Okay, see? Yeah. Yeah, that's, that's awesome. That as well. The one thing I will say my standout scene one that brought tears to my eyes was the Colton and adult Elliot in the barn. You probably didn't like that, but I really enjoyed them working together. And you know, just having adult Elliot have the experience of time travel. And just seeing him being like, Oh, this guy is just was way more my father than my father wants to be. Do we ever know what happened to Elliott's father? Did they ever tell you this basically died? Okay, cuz I'm like, they never. I don't they never really said I guess. Okay, maybe I missed it. Once again. The reason I could not enjoy that scene. I know it's Hallmark. But oh, it would be dripping, soaking wet. Working. And I still can't get past that how you totally dry like being in a jacket and all those clothes. It would be a day before you were dry. So whatever. I get it and yes, if I was not if my heart was not so scarred from all of these other episodes, I wouldn't be there with you because I did think it was nice and sort of Elliott to get to experience that and see that. And I thought it was actually commendable that Elliott heeded his own advice, as opposed to cat who just comes in as a wrecking ball when he's about to catch his himself and does that so I thought that was like commendable. Well, what are you hoping is come in season three. I have one more One more thing. The Bulletproof Vest. Like, where did that? Did I trade? Yeah, they traded it for Rome. That's what Jacob said. He said in one of his rum trades, they made it bulletproof vest trade with that, and so he had one on, so well, why the heck would they just not wear it around all that? Like, if I had someone go out and he was gone to kill me, I would be wearing one all the time, too. So I don't know. I just I thought I thought they said cat somehow brought it so no, no. Okay. Oh, Ram trade. All right, whatever. Then are you hoping next season then? Are you just hoping that it's all about Alison and her potentially future daughter? Well, yes and no. I guess my only know would be because I don't want them to rune Alice with their their there. So a drama stuff. I wanted to keep Alice's character arc as it is and introduce that as the case introduced the daughter and they can keep it elevated. All in my thing is a bit turn if she turns into cat to who but once again, oh, cat you're going to be I thought the line where Elliot says to her, Oh, you're going to be to Alice, you're going to be your mom's best friend or not to cat. You're going to be your daughter's best friend. That's how she treats her not like a daughter. She treats her like she's another high school chum of hers with how negligent she is as a mom, but if they can if they can keep it elevated, and that whole storyline totally in and if I can figure out a way to fast forward through the other drama. There you go. I mean, you're on for everything. It seems like though you want me and Colton. You're in the Jacob. I was like everything I talked about in the what I like that's what I'm hopeful for in the future. I hope we get some more information on who Sam is and more backstory there. And now Alice in the future. Sure. Sam shady. No, I really liked him too. But then again, I was sure Brady was shady too. Right. But I just think I think sands harboring some secret. So yeah, so he's like coil or he's, he's something but well, we don't have to talk about it until 2025. So give me give me some more fun. Give me some more thunder and some Alice. I'll be okay. And thunders got a pal now. I know. They keep bringing more horses that's where it just like what are these horses? This is just a horse or is it something more? Okay, you have no more land so we're gonna get you more horses Well, anything else because I am done. I'm excited. This was a long we talked a lot we have a lot to go over. I'll say with that. We should probably just say one bad apple. Enjoy